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200 Guests

40x100 Frame Tent........$2299
20x40 Frame Tent.............$425
Window Side Walls...........$520
200 White Chairs..............$250
25 60in Round Tables.......$225
5 - 8ft. Tables......................$45
1-6ft table...............................$8
1 Farmhouse Sweetheart table...$20

31 Linens................................$465
Lights around perimeter .........$320
Dance Floor 20 x20............... $600


200+ Guests

40x120 Pole Tent...................$2299
Window Side Walls.................$416
240 White Chairs...................$300
30 60in Round Tables............$270
5 - 8ft. Tables..........................$45
1-6ft table...............................$8
1 Farmhouse Sweetheart table...$20

36 Linens................................$540
Lights around perimeter .........$256
Dance Floor 20 x 20...............$600


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